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307 E Sutton St
Fayetteville, AR, 72701
United States

(479) 856-2350

I AM HERE Cards specializes in map-based greeting cards and prints. Hand-drawn maps are reproduced on vintage letterpress equipment, or else by digital pigment printing. Artist/owner Gregory Mitchell has been a professional cartographer for over 30 years.

Bathhouse Row Postcard, Hot Springs, Arkansas


Bathhouse Row Postcard, Hot Springs, Arkansas


Bathhouse Row Postcard, Hot Springs, Arkansas


Oversize Postcard 6” x 9 1/4”

Hot Springs Arkansas is a graceful old resort town in the Ouachita Mountains of central Arkansas. It’s unique National Park includes not only hundreds of acres of green hills and trails, but eight historic Bathhouses all more than 100 years old. These fabulous old buildings have been maintained by the National Park Service and continue in use as restaurants, breweries, gift shops, and yes, bathhouses!

These original drawings by Greg Mitchell started out as plein air pencil sketches on Central Avenue in Hot Springs in front of these majestic old buildings.

Printed by letterpress on heavy 165# Classic Crest cover stock on our Challenge 15 proof press.

Can be mailed with a single first-class “Forever” stamp.

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