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307 E Sutton St
Fayetteville, AR, 72701
United States

(479) 856-2350

I AM HERE Cards specializes in map-based greeting cards and prints. Hand-drawn maps are reproduced on vintage letterpress equipment, or else by digital pigment printing. Artist/owner Gregory Mitchell has been a professional cartographer for over 30 years.

NATO Spelling Alphabet Postcard


NATO Spelling Alphabet Postcard


NATO Spelling Alphabet Postcard


Oversize Postcard 6” x 8 1/2”

If you are always fumbling for a word to use to describe a letter when you’re talking to someone on the phone, this card is for you. I know I need it!

I’ve been thinking about this idea for a long time, and when I recently bought a bunch of orphaned wood type (individual letters without a whole alphabet) it was the perfect opportunity to make this card while exploring my new type.

Printed by letterpress on heavy 165# Classic Crest cover stock on our Challenge 15 proof press.

Can be mailed with a single first-class “Forever” stamp.

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